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 Timer Role and Responsibilities 

The Timer is responsible for keeping track of time during the meeting. 


I. Prior to the Meeting 

  • Obtain from the Sergeant at Arms the Timer Tower and worksheet 


II. During the Meeting 

  • When the Toastmaster calls upon you to explain your role, stand up and use the following as an example to explain your role to the audience: 


"My role as Timer is to monitor the use of time during Prepared Speeches, Table Topics and Evaluations. At the end of the meeting, I will report the time used by each participant. This will let you know if you delivered your presentation within the allotted time frame."


  • Explain timing rules and demonstrate the use of the signal device. 


Table Topics 


1 to 2 minutes (Minimum 1 minute, maximum 2 + 30 seconds) 

At 1 minute, I will show: The Green Light 

At 1 ½ minutes I will show: The Yellow Light 

At 2 minutes I will show: The Red Light until the speaker is finished 



Prepared Speeches 

5 to 7 minutes (+ or – 30 seconds) 

At 5 minutes, I will show: The Green Light 

At 6 minutes I will show: The Yellow Light 

At 7 minutes I will show: The Red Card Light until the speaker is finished 




2 to 3 minutes (+ or – 30 seconds) 

At 2 minutes, I will show: The Green Light 

At 2 ½ minutes I will show: The Yellow Light 

At 3 minutes I will show: The Red Light until the speaker is finished 


  • During the speeches, signal each speaker as indicated by raising the appropriate card.

  • Use the stopwatch or the Toastmasters App to track all speeches, and record timings on the worksheet

  • When called upon by the Toastmaster, Table Topics Master and General Evaluator stand by your chair and give your report indicating which speakers are eligible to be voted for.


III. After the Meeting 

  • Give your completed report to the Secretary. 



Eko Hotel and Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos.


+234 909 648 5132

+234 703 550 6110

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(c) 2022 Eagle Toastmasters Club

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